Wedding Fashion: Inspirations for Guests and Brides.

Świętowanie zawarcia związku małżeńskiego to okazja wymagająca odpowiedniego dobranego stroju. Moda na ślub zmienia się z każdym sezonem – obecnie królują sukienki w intensywnych, żywych kolorach, choć z łask nie wypadają pastele. Dzięki temu inspiracje dla gości i panny młodej umożliwiają dostosowanie swojego wyboru do stylu i kolorystyki wesela. Nie można przy tym pominąć osobistego gustu pod względem doboru najpiękniejszej kreacji – powinna nie tylko ładnie wyglądać, ale też zapewniać wygodę w tańcu. Najważniejsze trendy na przyjęcie okolicznościowe po ślubie prezentujemy w poniższym artykule. Przeczytaj i dowiedz się więcej na temat inspiracji dla gości i panny młodej!

What's currently trending in wedding fashion - find out our inspirations

Let's start with inspiration for wedding guests. The most important rule is, of course, to avoid white dresses, as this is the color reserved for the bride on her wedding day. However, this should not be a problem, as modern fashion has many interesting cuts and colors of dresses to offer. You can choose from eye-catching proposals with expressive character, as well as more subdued models for guests. A simple and short dress with thin straps in a cornflower shade? How about long sleeves and lots of shiny sequins? Or a model in pastel pink with charming frills? These are just a selection of inspirations for guests for the wedding. The abundance of proposals in a variety of colors and numerous cuts allows you to effortlessly choose the best outfit for the wedding.

Wedding fashion for brides

There's no denying that the most important creation on the big day is the bride's dress - it's what all the guests will be looking at. Today, women getting married have many options to choose from. Romantic style with intricate lace and ethereal sleeves and skirts, boho models with glamorous embroidery, glamour proposals that catch the eye with a wealth of shiny embellishments... Inspiration is plentiful - so all you need to do is take into account personal preferences. For each bride, the ideal wedding dress means something different, so designers provide a wide range of proposals in many styles.

Among modern inspirations, there are even two-piece models - consisting of a skirt and a top! Equally important role is played by accessories, such as original veils with original decorations. Thanks to this, every bride will easily complete the perfect outfit for her wedding, in which she will feel beautiful and confident, and at the same time delight the guests.